Thank you for Being Here – Your Support Means Everything

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Thank you so much to all of you who support me here, make comments, join in, purchase what feels just right for YOU, send me lovely messages about how they make you feel (that’s what it’s all about after all) … it fills my heart with contentment knowing it makes a difference in some small or large way in your lives – a mutual exchange. Feeling so blessed, thank you each and every one of you 🙏❤️

Yet another year has almost passed, so much has happened and continues happening. The unfolding of life, in its natural and unnatural rhythm both.

The lifting of the veil for some (has always been) like ripping off a bandaid, and to others no surprise at all. Some remain on the Nile, at least that’s how it appears. Some know deep down, some never see clear. Others fester in the pain of illusion confused. Others resurface out of view.

Have faith, do the work. Keep going. The tunnel can be long. But glimpses always show themselves, just at the right time.

Be kind, to yourself.

Live in every moment seeing the beauty of what is, however minute. It brings with it warmth, gratitude.

Being authentic, kind and loving can sometimes make people believe you are unfriendly – quite the opposite of how you are meaning being. A sometimes hard thing to live, or rectify. Acceptance of what is. A key to life.

Not everyone sees the same, deciphers the same. Sometimes these worlds clash, do not meet.

Boundaries, often disliked, causing confusion, too much pushing.

Keeping the balance on the tightrope of life can easily be mismanaged in the blink of an eye, adding to the pot of misery unless cleared out, looked at for the truth, your truth; forgiven in your heart.

Learning, not to do the same thing again and again is a recipe best invested; doing the same expecting different results may seem easier, but creates endless spiral heartache. Change is inevitable, chosen or finally given.

The distance does not mean you do not care. Remind yourself of that. Even when they do not hear, do not understand.

Resolution is sometimes impossible, and that is OK. It has to be OK, acceptance of what is; holding love in your heart, always.

This, is all we can do. All do.



Photography and writing by Elizabeth

Come and Join Us in the Journey

If you would like to see more of what goes on behind the scenes in my studio day to day as I tinker away then please do come and join us in my group in Facebook Elizabeth Shewan Art & Jewellery Group.   This is THE place where you have the opportunity to purchase what you love before it goes up into the online shop.

Or, you can be sure to always hear of New Arrivals if you join my VIP Newsletter.

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Look forward to seeing you soon.

And as always, any questions, please just ask.

Elizabeth Shewan, The Aritst and Clairvoyant

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